Invitation of Asahi Highland Nordic walking <br>旭元気村イベントへの誘い Invitation of Asahi Highland Nordic walking <br>旭元気村イベントへの誘い


Invitation of Asahi Highland Nordic walking

新緑の季節はもうすぐですね!豊田の高原、「旭元気村」で、5月25日 ノルディックウォーキングとバーベキューを楽しみませんか?下のお知らせを見てください。いろんな国の人達と振れ合いましょう。誰でも歓迎!連絡待ってます!

Let’s enjoy a Nordic walking and a barbecue in Asahi Highland on 25th of May.

This is a special event arranged by our group, Toyota Hospitality Guide Network. Everybody is welcomed! Look at the invitation below .You can meet many people from many countries.  It is also a fun .

お問い合わせ お問い合わせ

For questions to Toyota hospitality guide network (THGN) click here.
Please feel free to inquire about each recommended guide tour, application method, guide invitation etc.

TEL. 090-3528-5794 / FAX. 0565-88-2231 TEL. 090-3528-5794 / FAX. 0565-88-2231